That Art Party

by nfp

That Art Party is an art and play experience by & for BIPOC adults.

art & play as self-care ritual

Photo of a Latina woman with brown, short, curly hair, smiling with her arms gestured out to her sides. She is welcoming guests to her business.

BIPOC Adults Deserve Art + Play

This photo was captured by GASH productions.

A Message from the Founder

That Art Party is an amalgamation of all the things that make me - and perhaps us - human.  I started this experience as an altar to the inner child who was forced to grow up too soon, to problem-solve the world, and to serve everyone else before herself. I see you. As a queer, woman of color, I started That Art Party as a sacred space to honor our need for creative rest. BIPOC adults deserve art. We deserve to play.

Con mucho amor y cariño,

Naomi Fierro Peña

Founder + Creator of That Art Party

Our Clients

Client Testimonials

Join the conversation.

Check out our podcast episode with Cipota Colocha Says where we talk art and play; and how Naomi left her job to follow her dream and how creativity is a form of self-love.

We have also been featured on the Born to Be Seen podcast by Carol Umanzor, emotional wellness advocate in the Bay Area.